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Über mich
Die Kombination von Kreativität und technischen Fähigkeiten, um Designs zum Leben zu erwecken, ist für die Bereitstellung nahtloser digitaler Erlebnisse unerlässlich. Meine Expertise in der Front-End-Entwicklung stellt sicher, dass Designs nicht nur optisch ansprechend, sondern auch funktional und effizient sind.

Leidenschaftlicher Designer mit 11 Jahren Erfahrung in der Erstellung wirkungsvoller Designs für Marken und Unternehmen. Ich bin auf 3D-Kunst und Interaktionsdesign spezialisiert und freue mich immer über neue Herausforderungen.
Meine größten Erfolge
'Can I Feel It?' is an exhibition that explores the tactile allure of textile works.
Can I Feel It? is not only an invitation to view but to truly experience textile art. It prompts you to reconsider the role of touch in the appreciation of art and design and explore the connections you have between material, technique, and emotion. Art is not only to be seen but to also be felt on an emotional and physical level. In a world where touch is often restrained and mediated, this exhibition serves as a reminder of the power and importance of tactile engagement. The exhibition challenges you to question your perceptions of materiality and discover the profound beauty that lies beneath a simple act of touch.
The Contemporary Art Practice (CAP) showcase at the Royal College of Art 2024 degree show.
A work selected to be displayed at the Shanghai International Paper Art Biennale - Feasts on paper.
"2023 Shanghai International Paper Art Biennale is organised by Paper+ Studio and Shanghai Fengxian Museum, and jointly hosted by Shanghai Fengxian District Culture and Tourism Bureau. During the exhibition, the paper artists from all over the world will be invited to present their paper works at the exhibition. Alongside this, the works of well-known Chinese paper artists will be highlighted and displayed, as well as official works of Chinese paper heritage, and the promising student paper artworks from the art universities of China."
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